post #4 Health, Safety and Environment KPIs

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Health, Safety and Environment KPIS

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Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate

Criteria: A Lost Time Injury (LTI) is
Any work related incident that results in an injury that prevents the employee from returning to normal duty on the next day. This applies to all permanent employees (full time and part time), but excludes contractors working on site.
Total work hours are
The hours worked during the reporting period by the entire plant population for all permanent employees (full time and part time), but excluding contractors.

Causes of under-performance:

Failure in the system:
Lack of training or awareness
Unsafe condition of plant or machinery
Lack of Leadership
Violation of safety procedures (Human factors) Lack of safety equipment (PPE, etc.)
Lack of quantity and/or quality of safety procedures

Lost Time Injury Severity Rate


A Lost Time Injury (LTI) is
Any work related incident that result in an injury that prevents the employee from returning to normal duty on the next day. This applies to all permanent employees (full time and part time), but excludes contractors working on site.
Work Days Lost are
Days elapsing from the time of the accident to the day when the employee returns to duty

Reporting: Each month for the current production year and the total for the preceding production year

Impact: Severe accidents with longer subsequent absence is a cause of more human pain and economical loss

Causes of under-performance: Ref. Section LTI

Health & Safety Audit Rating

Definition: Audit rating based on the audit checklist that is quantified after a three day audit by corporate HSE

Reporting: Most recent audit rating or audit rating from the previous audit if no new audit was done and last audit rating of the preceding production year

Impact: A low rating indicates that the H&S program has not been well implemented at the plant site

Causes of under-performance: Lack of focus on H&S
Lack of implementation of safety programs and standards Lack of leadership
Failure in the system

Safety Training Hours per Employee

Impact: A low STH KPI indicates lack of safety awareness at the plant site, resulting in H&S incidents

Causes of under-performance:

Lack of H&S focus

Lack of leadership

Failure in the system

Number of Emissions Exceeding Limit

Reporting:Each month for the current production year and the total for the preceding production year

Impact: Incidents of emissions exceeding limits entail a risk of the license to operate the plant being withdrawn.

Causes of under-performance:

Lack of maintenance of dust collector
Wrong operating parameters and process conditions

Dust Filter Performance

Criteria: An inspection must be carried out every 2 weeks for each dust filter not covered under NEEL.
The inspection criteria for compliant performance are:

  • No visible dust emission from air discharge point
  • Differential pressure across the filter media is within limits. No dust emanating from points or areas to be de-dusted by the filter.

Note: Failure to carry out the necessary inspection during month is counted as non-compliance
A failed result of one or more of the above criteria in any of the inspections during the month is counted as non-compliance

Reporting: Each month for the current production year and the total for the preceding production year

Impact: Failed compliance during inspections will either have resulted or will result in non-compliant discharge of dust into atmosphere

Causes of under-performance:

Lack of maintenance of dust collector
Wrong operating parameters and process conditions

Lack of inspections

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